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Do You Have What it Takes?

If I asked you “Do you have what it takes to succeed?” What would you say? Now, I’m not talking about having money. I’m not talking about having great products or services. I’m not talking about having published books I’m not even talking about having the right...

Is Your Inner Control Freak Holding You Back?

Let’s face it, you’re an entrepreneur working your passion. And you want to monetize your passion - right? You should get paid while doing what you love. I believe in and help my clients live the lifestyle of not working for money. Instead they have money working for...

Are you on track to hit your business goals for 2011?

Are you on track to hit your business goals for 2011? If not, why?  THE YEAR IS ALMOST OVER! I’m inviting you, my entrepreneur friend, to my FREE teleseminar / webinar “Achieve One Audacious Goal in Three Months or Less!” Where I’m sharing with you exactly why some...

De-Clutter Your E-mail Challenge

De-Clutter Your E-mail and Take Back Your Life! The E-mail Avalanche Yesterday, I was talking to one of my private Diamond clients who was experiencing a major block to her success due to getting  tangled up in e-mails. I think it's safe to say we've all experienced...


Submit your story and win a FREE PRIZE. What was your biggest Aha, breakthrough or success during 2010? If you didn’t have any big breakthroughs, enter your biggest hurdle or dilemma.