by | | Build Your Business
While my honey and I walked the quaint street of Cottonwood, along with several other couples, we peered into the windows of the many cute little shops and galleries lining the perimeter. We would have liked to gone into the shops… but… get this…....
by | | Build Your Business
If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’re really good at numerous things. This is a double edged-sword. How do you tell potential clients how wonderful you are and all the ways you can help them without giving them a litany of your talents that leaves them completely...
by | | Build Your Business
What business are you really in? The answer to this question is probably NOT what you’re thinking. No matter what your business is, you are in the business of attracting clients. Period. If you don’t have clients, you don’t have profits and then you...
by | | Build Your Business
All of us have experienced pain. The question is “How do you deal with the pain”? Do you allow it to pierce your confidence and sabotage your efforts like gasoline into a fresh wound? Do you go through the pain, acknowledge the hurt and muscle through it? Do you...
by | | Build Your Business
If I asked you “Do you have what it takes to succeed?” What would you say? Now, I’m not talking about having money. I’m not talking about having great products or services. I’m not talking about having published books I’m not even talking about having the right...