I used to think mindset was about 10% – maybe 20% of success. Throughout the years of coaching, it has been proven to me that mindset is more like 95% of our success.
It’s amazing how our thought patterns dictate our outcome. I’m sure you’ve heard the term “thoughts are things”. What that means is EVERYTHING around you began with a thought…. a daydream… a fantasy. That thought moves you into action and that action creates your results.
Sounds pretty simple. So all we have to do is think good thoughts and we’ll be rich and successful – right? If it were only that easy! Wouldn’t it be great to end struggle once and for all? Everyone would be living a life they are in love with.
This is the way it should be. We are designed to live abundantly and create freely.
We know how to think happy thoughts. So what’s the problem? Where’s the abundance? I’ll tell you. It’s that old programming from earlier in your life…. Even before you were born! Do you know we are taught what to think when we start listening to the outside world; at five months inside the womb?
Over the years, we’ve developed all kinds of rules, regulations and paradigms to “keep us safe”. The problem is these are actually roadblocks to your success.
Read these three questions out loud because I want you to really understand it:
Do you do things that you know will lead you to results you DON’T want?
And, do you find yourself not doing the things you know will get you the results you DO want?
Ever wonder why?
Isn’t this the most bizarre behavior? Yet, everyone does it.
Your Success Actions Steps –
List all of your non-productive activities. Becoming aware of these will help in eliminating them.
Join me in my BRAND NEW teleseminar “Get Results” where I’m going to go into great detail on how these paradigms block our success AND, more importantly, what to do about it.
I’m so excited to share this with you. It has changed my life and it will change your life too.
By the way, the “Get Results” teleseminar is my gift. Enjoy!
Here’s that link again. I encourage you to hold your spot now, before you get busy and forget.
Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?
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“Success mentor Lisa Long teaches alternative and holistic practitioners around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “How to Focus and Succeed in Record Time… Every Time at www.yesicanwithaplan.com”