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Accomplish Your Goals I talk a lot about setting goals. Why? Because accomplishing goals is an absolute thrill. And how can you get where you want to go if you don’t know where you want to go? Hence the well-known quote:

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”
~ Yogi Berra

There’s more to it. There’s a crucial missing link here. Yes, it’s important to know where you want to go. I see a lot of people map out what they want to do and where they want to go, then lose momentum along the way because they’re missing this one crucial piece.

What else is needed? You must know where you are NOW. If I told you to meet me at the Hard Rock Café in Las Vegas, you could easily find your way. You could look at a map and drive to the exact location from where you are right now. On the other hand, suppose you were somewhere in the middle of the desert; you have no idea where you really are or exactly how you got there, it would be difficult to find your way and meet me at the Hard Rock Cafe. Wouldn’t you agree? How do you find your way if you don’t clearly know where you are to begin with? It’s extremely difficult, if not impossible.
Lost in the desert
This is where a lot of people are when they ask me to help them improve their business and personal life. Many don’t know exactly what they want, other than what they have now, clearly, is not it. That’s the easy part – we know what we don’t want.

Many have aspects in their life of what they don’t want. Most have no idea how the heck they ended up in such a situation. This happens because over the years we make excuses and allow space for things we really don’t want in our life but because of whatever reason we allow it. Maybe we didn’t want to rock the boat or possibly make someone angry or we were tired and didn’t want to put the effort into correcting the path.

Imagine you have a beautiful yard with plants, flowers and trees; and on the south side is a large barren footpath where flowers used to be planted. It’s been there for years and yet, every time you look at it, you know it could be so much prettier. And you wonder, how did this happen? How did that big stark blob end up in my yard? And you remember back… seeing your neighbor walk through your yard to get through to the neighboring street. You’re a little stunned by this trespassing but it’s really not a big deal so you let it go. She figures this is fine and continues to walk through your yard day after day. Then others see this convenient short cut and they start walking through your yard. You don’t like it but you live there and you want your neighbors to like you. You don’t want to end up in a war with your neighbors. It eats at you but you let it go to keep the peace. You’ve lived here twelve years and this barren path through your beautiful yard has been there ten of those years. You can’t bring yourself to like it and you don’t do anything to change it because….well…. what would they say??

The outcome of the above scenario applies to many circumstances in our life. Today, most are not where they want to be in regard to finances, relationships, taking care of themselves, etc. It’s important to know exactly where you are so you can take the right action to get where you want to go.

Taking the right action requires you know where your starting point is. Do you want more income? Then, look at your income now. Exactly, how much do you have in the bank? Not enough is not a measurable answer. Pinpoint exactly where you are now. Pay attention to the details. Where does the money go (specifically)? Track how much you bring in and from where. Also, track how much is going out and where. This may seem difficult if you’re just starting out and running in the negative. However, if you do this exercise, it will change into what you want, instead of down the road becoming a barren, desolate area in your life that once had life. When you abandon or ignore an area of your life, it dies. If you want your money, relationships, health or business to prosper you must pay attention and take action.

Where attention goes, energy flows and results show.

The biggest challenge is mastering your mind. Your mind is the most powerful force in the universe. Yet, most of us give it no attention. If left to run amuck, it will attract distractions, dis-eases and deterioration. When your mind is purposefully groomed, it becomes the most powerful and positive force that will take your business and your life to the amazing accomplishments.

If you would like help working with your mind and unleash your most powerful resource, contact me for your “Breakthrough To Your Brilliance, Success and Happiness” phone session. I encourage you to take advantage of this, because I give away only 10 each month. This is a $297 value.


Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?


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“Success mentor Lisa Long teaches alternative and holistic practitioners around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “How to Focus and Succeed in Record Time… Every Time at