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Step one is CLEARLY identifying what you want to do – how you want to serve or help others.

Many of my clients get flustered here because they have many passions and they’re very good at several ways to help others. You want to get started with ONE, you can add to this later. To begin, you want to get crystal clear about ONE way you want to help others.

Entrepreneurs are known for being very creative and starting numerous projects. They’re not known for finishing most of those projects. If you don’t finish your project and get it out to the public, you don’t get paid and nobody benefits. Most who scatter themselves in multiple directions become exhausted and run out of resources before they see any financial gain. This is when they quit.

Stay focused on one thing until you prosper with that one thing.

Then you may ask, as many do, “how do I know if I’m focusing on the right thing”?

How do you know you’re focusing on the right thing?

Here are specific action steps to assist you in your decision making process:

Remember, you’re here to have fun and enjoy life. If it doesn’t feel like fun, don’t do it. If you’re only doing it for the money, it’s not your true passion.

YOUR passion is put in YOUR heart for a reason, not mine, not your friend’s or neighbors. It’s given to YOU.

Read through this, then close your eyes and do the exercise. Take a deep breath in. And another deep breath in…. Close your eyes. Continue breathing deep and relaxing. Now, I’m asking you… if you had all the money you could ever want and all the time… you can do whatever you want. How would you choose to spend your time? You also get to spend some of your time helping others with something that’s important to you; that you’re passionate about. How would you choose to help others?

Write your answers down:

I would spend my time:

I would help others:

Now, do a mental and emotional check in. If you knew you would not be judged by others, would you pick the same thing? Or, did you choose something because it felt safe? Are you trying to make someone else happy by doing this?

Answer the following questions to help you in this awareness exercise. Do this quickly, do NOT filter your answers. Write in the first thing that comes to mind. There is no right or wrong answer. Some of the questions are asked more than once. Give a different answer for each question:


If I do _______________, others will:

If I do _______________, others will:

If I do _______________, I will feel:

If I do _______________, I could:

If I do _______________, my spouse would:

If I do _______________, my children would:

If I do _______________, I would:

If I do _______________, others will think:

If I do _______________, I will be:

If I do _______________, I could finally:

From this exercise, I’m now aware of:

The previous exercises will help you with the next one.

Identify your “why”

Why is providing this thing or service to others important to you? This is personal for you. You’ll most likely feel emotional when you think about why this is important to you. I like this phrase: “If your why don’t make you cry, it ain’t your why”.

Why this is important to me:

Get a little deeper…. And why is this (answer from above) important to me?

When you know your “why” it will carry you through the tough days and on to victory, happiness, health, wealth and abundance.

Above is a photo of me helping others grow their business. I love doing this because I’ve worked in a corporate job that robbed me of my health and happiness. I ended up in the hospital with complete burnout. This was a very scary time in my life. That was the turning point leading me to quit corporate and focus on what I want to do with my life. Doing what I love is so rewarding, fulfilling and fun. I want everyone to experience this.

Now it’s your turn.


Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?

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“Success mentor Lisa Long teaches alternative and holistic practitioners around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “How to Focus and Succeed in Record Time… Every Time at