Sorry about the gloomy title. Unfortunately, it is reality for many. I’ve got to tell ya about some of the business owners I’ve been talking to lately. Some of you are making your lives miserable and it’s completely unnecessary.
Please accept this from my heart, with deep compassion. And make sure to see the video below.
I know being an entrepreneur can be difficult. If it was easy everyone would do it. Most entrepreneurs fail within the first three years. It’s a brutal playing ground and will challenge you to grow in every way. On top of this, many are making it way more difficult than need be. Being your own boss can be fun and amazingly fulfilling.
Many of you know that my corporate background was in marketing and advertising… until I ended up in the hospital. Then I went back to ASU, earning my master’s in psychotherapy. One of my first therapy clients, during my internship, was a woman just out of prison for killing her husband who beat her up for the last time. Statistics show that most abuse victims return to their abuser an average of seven times before they either leave for good or are killed by their abuser.
So, what does this have to do with being an entrepreneur? I invite you to feel your way through this writing.
First, I want to congratulate those who ARE getting help and taking steps to grow and improve their lives. This writing is for those who say they don’t have enough clients, don’t have enough money and don’t know what to do… the ones who feel like life is an uphill battle every day. They feel stuck. They are stuck. Let’s help them get unstuck…
Battered Women Syndrome and The Struggling Entrepreneur Comparison:
They’re both so deeply stuck in fear they’re paralyzed and afraid to take any action.
They take a beating, emotionally, spiritually, physically and return for more again and again because they don’t know any other way.
They complain about how bad things are and may go to friends to ask advice. When expert advice is offered, they turn it down in fear of being judged, being wrong, making things worse, etc.
Feeling completely disempowered and frustrated, they go back to what they know. They do the same actions again and again, hoping for and even expecting, a different outcome – NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!! (This is the definition of insanity). Read that last part again, it’s that important.
I talked to a couple the other day who have been trying for ten years to get their business off the ground. They did what they know… take out an ad in the local paper, run a special discounted price. After $15,000 spent in advertising with minimal and temporary results, they’re out of money, living in a space for free, and it’s affecting their relationship.
They have never hired a business coach. They just try harder…. doing more of the same. Watch the video below to see how trying harder works out…
How are you FEELING about your life and your business?
If you identify with this article, get help or get out and stop abusing yourself. Sorry to sound harsh but something must change and you must change it.
You want to work with an expert who can really help you – not a friend or family member.
Hire a coach. Too much money? Ask your coach if there’s another option – I would love to get started. I’m ready to do whatever it takes. How can I make this happen?
You do have choices. And I want to empower you to utilize this ability to make choices for yourself. This means getting off the fence (yes or no, not maybe). If you’re ready to get off the fence and create a life you love, Contact me for a free “Breakthrough to Brilliance” session. There are many ways we can work together – options for every budget and level of readiness for change.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?
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“Success mentor Lisa Long teaches alternative and holistic practitioners around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “How to Focus and Succeed in Record Time… Every Time at”