Have you ever bought something because it was too good to pass up? I have. That’s why I bought my Kirby vacuum cleaner. The sales person gave me over $1,000 in free bonuses. Even though I liked the performance of the Kirby, and I liked the sales person, it was expensive and I was having a hard time convincing myself to spend that much on a vacuum (I could have gone to Hawaii with that money).
My friendly salesperson wanted to help me make the decision and own one of these babies for myself. So, he threw in the bonuses that made the offer irresistible. I no longer had to justify spending the money. The deal was done. He got a sale and I still have my Kirby.
How do you make an offer irresistible? Let me show you here –
Seven Steps to Making Your Offer Irresistible
1. Give Them What THEY Want
Never assume you know what they really want, even if you’ve talked with them in the past.
The easiest way to find out what your clients want is(break to blog) to ask them – ask lots of questions.
Then, listen carefully.
Write down the most commonly asked questions.
Answer their questions.
Use their language. Avoid using industry jargon or clinical terms.
2. Cut The Fluff
Avoid adding unrelated products or services just to add bulk. Make sure your entire package is helping them solve their problem.
3. Social Proof
Most do not want to be the first to try something new. They have the mindset of “safety in numbers”. Use lots of testimonials or client success stories.
4. Offer Bonuses That Build Value
What can you give of value that doesn’t cost you a lot in time or money?
Perhaps free tuition to a tele-class, or a free downloadable audio recording. For example, my private Diamond clients get the Fast Start class as a free bonus.
Make sure the bonuses, as well as the main package, are solving your client’s problem.
5. Have A Limiter
For the first 15, 50, 100 – depending on the size of your audience ~or~
For the next 3 days, ending on (date)
– receive a Fast Start Bonus of (product/service/discount)
This can be the bonus offered in #4, or an additional Fast Start Bonus. (An additional bonus makes the offer even more irresistible).
6. Make It Easy For Them
Give your clients multiple ways to purchase – credit card, debit card, phone order, on-line purchase or fax.
Give them payment options – more people will purchase with a choice of smaller payments. If you don’t yet take credit cards or offer payment options (or you want to shop for a better rate) let me know and I’ll give you my representatives info.
7. Be Yourself
People will buy from you because they like you. Be real with them. Don’t try to be perfect or pretend to know everything. They’ll respect you more if you admit you’re not the be all, end all. Have fun. People naturally gravitate to others who appear to have fun and be happy.
P.S. It’s not too late to join me for my free class “The Three Simple Secrets to Making 2012 Your Best Year Ever”. On December 29th, I’m giving away lots of tools and tips on how to 1. How to Accomplish more in less time, with less effort and more fun, 2. How to Get More Clients and Better Clients, 3. Get Bigger and Consistent Paychecks, Plus… bonus material. Join us today at http://www.yesicanwithaplan.com/thrive.html
Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?
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“Success mentor Lisa Long teaches alternative and holistic practitioners around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “How to Focus and Succeed in Record Time… Every Time at www.yesicanwithaplan.com”