In part one of this series, I taught you about getting crystal clear on what you want – getting focused and staying focused on your goal.
Today, I’m sharing with you how to stay out of overwhelm and make your goal absolutely doable – the easy and fun way!
So often, clients tell me they have this great goal and they’re very passionate about it but they have no idea how to get started. Their thoughts take off in a hundred different directions. In their mind, they have a grand idea that leads to helping more people. However, getting it into a doable plan is a brain melter (way beyond a brain bender). So, not knowing exactly what to do, what do you usually do? Nothing! And stuck in your usual routine you stay…. Until NOW!
You may have heard me talk about this before, it’s also in my book “Yes I Can With A Plan! Success System for Entrepreneurs”…. Imagine you’re hungry. You’re sitting down for your favorite dinner. Let’s say it’s fresh hot lasagna. The aroma is captivating… you can smell the basil, oregano and fresh tomatoes. It’s smelling sooo good. You also have piping hot fresh, homemade bread and a garden salad with your favorite dressing…. you can’t wait to dig in. Your mouth is watering. Your fork is in your hands and your’reready to take that scrumptious bite.
Then you’re told: “You must eat the entire meal in one bite!”
How do you feel right now? You’re probably rather perplexed, right? Your brain is confused because you don’t know how to eat an entire meal in one bite. This is exactly how most people approach their goals… focusing on the whole thing, expecting yourself to tackle it all at once.
Overwhelm takes over and you put the goal on the back burner, again. Or, you tackle the entire thing, making yourself frantic, frustrated and disappointed.
Today, I’m going to show you how to turn your goals into easy enjoyable, doable, fun, bite size pieces – just like eating that wonderful lasagna meal- one bite at a time .
(Hint….. This is also the key on How To Stop Procrastinating)
Action Steps:
Break it down [chunking].
1. Identify one thing you’ve been procrastinating.
For example –
GOAL: Having your next newsletter completed and in queue so you’re not scrambling to get it out on time. (Chunking is the key to creating effective systems.)
2. Write down all the pieces of the goal to be accomplished. These are in no order, just get them written down. This is the fun, creative flow coming forth.
This can be accomplished in a linear list or mind mapping. Use what works best for you.
For example –
Interesting, valuable topic Outline Title Pictures Key points
Sub-points Fill in outline from key points and sub-points Special Offer
3. Organize items in order to be accomplished. You need to know what you’re writing about before you find the pictures to go with your newsletter. And, if you have a class or event coming up, you want your topic to relate so you can tie your special offer to your event. Often, the title is last – after the content is completed. This is a map to help your process flow and create a system.
For example –
1. Identify Special Offer 2. Interesting, valuable topic 3. Key points
4. Sub points 5. Outline 6. Fill in outline from key points and sub points
7. Title 8. Pictures
4. Break down your each step into smaller bite sized pieces that feel good (like we did in step 2 above).
For example – 1. Identify Special Offer
Use the catchy name of your upcoming event (we’re assuming this is already in place).
Desired outcome from your audience – do you want them to sign up, purchase, etc.
Limiter – How long is this available? How many spaces available?
Call to action – tell them what you want them to do and make it simple – opt-in, call, etc.
Make it irresistible in value.
5. Some steps will take more time than others. This newsletter is a very simple example and you may be able to complete it in one sitting. Clearly identify exactly when you’re working on the next step. I generally give myself an hour at a time to work on my newsletter. I may accomplish steps 1 – 5 in the first chunk of time. I schedule the next chunk of time to work on steps 6 – 8.
6. In your Daily Success System, or planner, write in the task on the specific day, giving the task a specific start and stop time. This tricks the brain into focusing only on your newsletter for that time (this is great. I use it for everything). For example, write outline from 10-11 on Tuesday. Then, when that step is completed, celebrate your accomplishment and move on to the next step.
Now it’s your turn. Let me know how you do – and if you have any questions.
Systems create success
Success is not fun if you don’t have time to enjoy it
Plan fun NOW
Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:
“Success mentor Lisa Long teaches alternative and holistic practitioners around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “How to Focus and Succeed in Record Time… Every Time at”
Thanks Lisa! This came at the perfect time. While I “know” how to break things down, lately I’ve been putting the BIG items on my to-do list and when I see something like “write new web copy” or “design new package” I get like a deer in the headlights. So rather than try to swallow it whole, I’ll be kinder with myself and break it down into small (or tiny even) bites so I don’t keep choking on my to-do list! Create a delightful day! Blessings, Karen