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If you’ve ever been in a coaching program, you’ve most likely been asked: “What are you resisting?” by your coach. We ask this when a client is not where s/he wants to be in regard to their goals. Of course clients experience resistance. That’s part of moving out of their comfort zone. Many even resist asking a coach for help because it feels uncomfortable and all the “what ifs” come up.butterfly

It’s ironic that people want to grow and better their life, and at the same time avoid resistance with all their might. The truth is, no great achievements can be accomplished without some element of resistance. Think about the airplane. It’s only by resistance that it’s able to get off the ground. And the butterfly is another example as it’s the resistance of fighting to break out of its cocoon that forces blood into its tiny wings. Without this pressure the wings remain weak leaving the butterfly unable to fly.

Here is an article on Resistance by William Penn. Following the article are some action steps for your growth and success.


By William Penn Patrick

No person, ideal or institution becomes great until Great Resistance has been encountered. Greatness cannot be achieved until this concept is understood.

Unfortunately, the average person is ignorant of this rule to achievement. Mr. and Mrs. Average, in their ignorance are fearful and reluctant to encounter even slight resistance. They don’t want to make waves or be criticized and they incorrectly feel that criticism will hold them back and prevent their happiness from being realized. In truth, the opposite is the case.

Take note: when we begin to change our jobs, we are first given resistance by our loved ones, for they fear change means facing the unknown! When we begin to make rapid achievement or commitment to rapid progress, we have roadblocks thrown up by our friends and relations. They begin to resist by negative comments and actions, which are devices to cause you to maintain the status quo.

Now if you are to achieve great progress, you must prevail against those closest to you; this is difficult and requires courage because you desire to please and not hurt those you love. The truth is that great harm befalls your loved ones when you fail to be yourself and do your thing. This is so, because you lose your enthusiasm for life, your growth process stops and your self-esteem diminishes. Those negatives are reversed when you stand your ground; and when you have prevailed, your loved ones gain a new and higher respect for you.

History records countless events, which prove the point. Let the great lessons of the past stay in our mind as a beacon in our personal and corporate future. Let us understand and be grateful that our ideas have proved worthy of tremendous resistance. Today, all over the world, great forces have risen to resist our growth. These forces fear us for what we present and they are attempting to destroy us and our dreams. Our understanding of this phenomenon and our strength of character and our commitment to our way of life is prevailing over these forces which have risen up. We are fortunate to have such great resistance. This resistance is evidence of our greatness and it provides us with the energy to prevail. These next few short years will record a brilliant history and establish a permanent place for our way of life-which is freedom to be and to work out our dreams for a great world, for ourselves, for our children and all humankind.

~ end ~

Action Steps –

1. Write down how you would really like your life to be, in as much detail as possible. Include your health, wealth, happiness…. all aspects.

2. Write down, with lots of detail, what your life is actually like today.

3. After completing 1 and 2, write down, in detail, where are you avoiding resistance in your life and how is this affecting your growth and success?

If you’re ready for help, contact me. I’m here for you and I would love to help you fly.


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Lisa Long is an author, speaker and success coach helping businesses and individuals overcome sabotaging obstacles so get the results they want and live the life they truly desire. She is available for workshops, keynote, team and one-on-one coaching. Contact Lisa at:  928-284-9285,,