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I was recently asked: “Who needs motivation?”.

I find everyone needs motivation. I consider myself to be a very positive person. However, there are times, I need an extra push. This morning for example… I’m waking up at 5:00 for a 7:00am meeting. It’s cold. I don’t want to get out from under my warm covers and the safety of my bed.

I didn’t sleep well due to the *^&) smoke detector beeping through the night. If I could reach the darn thing, it would have been silenced. The garbage trucks pick up trash outside my bedroom window at 2:00am (I had no idea trash pick up runs all night). And there’s the young neighbors next door who deemed a Tuesday night party was necessary to blow off some steam. (I wonder if this is payback time for when I was 20 years old – Oey).

Several reasons pour into my mind justifying my desire to skip this meeting and stay in bed. After all, I do need my sleep. And, there’s another meeting next week that I can attend.

Then, I remember why I chose to sign up for this 7am meeting. The desired outcome… the success of my goal. My goal is important to me. I want to help more people achieve the results they want. As they reach their goal, I reach my goal. It’s a win-win. I think of my current clients and how happy they are with their success. My decision to help on a larger scale is returning to the forefront of my mind.

Now, I’m feeling more awake and motivated to get out of bed, get out there and make a difference. It hits me…this… choosing to get out of bed, get dressed and out of the house to meet with people by 7am is exactly why there is such a spread in wealth. This is why some are begging for food on the street while others are flying around in their private jet; why some are miserable while others are living a healthy, fulfilling life. It’s the self-motivation to make a decision and follow through with that decision; overriding the excuses we give ourselves.

Written by Lisa Long, CEO of Yes I Can With A Plan Success Systems for Entrepreneurs. A free success training webinar is available for you at


