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rocket launchingHave you ever noticed there are two sides to everything?

Look at your hand. It has a front and a backside. Your body has a right and a left side. The room you are in has an inside and an outside. You couldn’t possibly have one without the other.

This is an orderly universe, of which you are a part. Laws govern the entire universe.

The late Dr. Warner Von Braun said the natural laws of the universe are so precise that we do not have any difficulty building a space ship, sending a person to the moon and timing the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second.

The law I am referring to is the Law of Polarity or the Law of Opposites. If it is a long way up to the top of a building, it must be a long way down. If it is a mile from point A to point B, it must be a mile from point B to point A. They are not only opposite, they are equal and opposite.

Everything that happens in your life today will either appear negative or positive. Keep in mind whatever happens must have a positive side to it.

A large majority of the population seems to be mentally programmed to pay attention to the negative side of life and unfortunately, ignore the positive.

Make a decision right now that, regardless of what happens today, you are going to look for the positive aspect of what’s happening. Remember … every cloud has a silver lining. Do this again tomorrow and the next day until it becomes a habit to see the positive in everything. You will feel better. You will be more productive. You will have more friends.

As the population has become inundated with negative outcomes in the news, fear, doubt and worry have readily taken over.

As a whole, people already know what to do to be more successful, however there is a gap between what they know and what they actually do. This gap gets larger and larger as the perception of negative fear, doubt and worry take over.

The good news is that with the proper tools , you can actually close this knowing – doing gap. Then you are more productive (with less effort), healthier and happier.

If you are not where you want to be in any area of your life, I encourage you to join me as I take a select few through the Knowing – Doing Gap. We’re going to identify and close the gap. This means more success in all areas of your life, with less work! Check it out here and join us! Live a life YOU LOVE!


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Lisa Long is an author, speaker and success coach helping businesses and individuals overcome sabotaging obstacles so get the results they want and live the life they truly desire. She is available for workshops, keynote, team and one-on-one coaching. Contact Lisa at:  928-284-9285,,