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huddleSummer will be here before you know it and it’s time to start planning your customer appreciation parties.

Have you held a party or barbeque and had to do all the work yourself? This makes it very difficult to relax and enjoy all your wonderful guests. And then, after all the food is eaten and your guests have danced their feet off, they pack up and go home. And, there’s the mess to be cleaned up.

I’ve noticed this happens on a regular basis and usually there’s one or two people who stay after and help clean up. It’s often the same good hearted people cleaning up after every party.

I saw this at a picnic last summer. Everyone was leaving one guy and his date to clean up (there’s a hot first date – party clean up duty – NOT!) I stayed and helped the two love birds clean up so they could go about their date. It happened again recently and…. well, I guess it bothered me.

It was like a thorn in my foot and I just couldn’t stop thinking there’s got to be a better way. And then, the answer came to me. What was lacking was clear, concise communication and a system.

If you’re one of my clients, you know how important systems are in making your life and your business run like a well-oiled machine – nice and smooth with no surprises.

To prevent this lack of communication from happening again, and nobody feeling like the bad guy or the bossy butt, I created a party system. It clearly defined exactly who is doing what and when. Even if you hire someone to set up, tear down, clean up, whatever, you want them to know precisely what is expected of them, ahead of time. This way there’s no surprises, no hurt feelings and everyone is happy.

I create systems for everything in my life. I am all for anything that makes life easier and more fulfilling.

Here are some tips and action steps to create your own systems for a smooth running life and business:

Design a system for one thing at a time and follow through with implementation 100%.

Ask yourself what you want the desired outcome to be, for example having help so you’re not doing everything yourself. And you have the freedom to enhance your relationship with those around you, whether it be loved ones, clients, or potential clients.

Break all the tasks down into smaller bits that can be delegated.
~ Make sure to include ALL the tasks involved in this bigger job.

Include timelines – when, specifically, does each task need to be completed by.

Instead of assigning the tasks, involve others in the decision making process. Allowing them to choose their own task will create more fun for all and help each person take pride in what they’re doing. This goes for everything from hiring a caterer to making sure soap is available in the bathroom.

I’ve kept this example simple and you can apply it to everything in your life. Doing this correctly will change your life, giving you more freedom and time. Want help creating systems in your life and business? Contact us. We’re here to help you succeed at what you love – in a healthy, balanced manner.


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Lisa Long is an author, speaker and success coach helping businesses and individuals overcome sabotaging obstacles so get the results they want and live the life they truly desire. She is available for workshops, keynote, team and one-on-one coaching. Contact Lisa at:  928-284-9285,,