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I get this question often from my clients who are building a thriving business full of paying clients. When you’re starting out or taking your business to the next level, you’re faced with “how do I get more (paying) clients?”

benefitscalesThere are a few key elements you want to understand so you don’t come across to your prospective clients like some money grubbing vandal ready to love ‘em and leave ‘em (I know you would never intentionally do this, but it happens).

First, you must remember your clients, or prospects, are people (not ATM machines). And people, all of us, have a history of baggage that creates our belief system. Our beliefs are part of our paradigm and determine how we process information and see the world. Your prospect’s wants are very likely not in harmony with their paradigm. (To learn more about this and help your prospects become grateful clients, make sure to attend one of the Your Mind and Money events.

For example, people will attend an event and see an offer inviting them to take the information deeper in their own life. Some will be skeptical and ask: “how do I know…”, “will it really…”, “what if…”; some will immediately find all the reasons why they cannot continue the teaching (especially if it involves paying money); some will say “I’ll try it and see what happens”; and some will declare “this is good. I’m going to take it and make it work for me”. (Which person are you?)

Each person processes information very differently. So how do you address this when you’re inviting others to work with you without going into overwhelm or just plain crazy?

There is one thing you must do for everyone. No matter how they process information and that is you MUST BUILD VALUE.

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling a $47 class or a 47 billion dollar ship, you must build value for the buyer (unless you’re working with the government which appears to have an endless supply of well fertilized money trees).

Most of us do not have access to these evergreen money trees, so let’s continue…

How do you build value?

First, ask them questions to learn their needs. LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN to them. Repeat back to them key elements. This helps them feel heard and validated. It also helps you make sure you are on the right track to solving their problems.


Do not jump ahead with Dracula breath reeking of “I want to suck your money”. They’ll pick up on it and run to safety.

If you don’t come across as caring and wanting to help them solve their problem, it’s easy for your prospect to talk herself out of working with you.

Let’s get to the nitty-gritty…

Should you have your prices on your cards, brochures or website?

The answer is no; …unless:

You’re a retail center like Zappos competing in a never-ending price-war with others in the same industry.

You can guarantee you have the lowest price of whatever you offer (services should not rely on this tactic because everybody loses in the end).

You’re having a special offer, such as a class (you still want an opportunity to build the value before asking for money).

Just remember this 4 Step process –

When you’re offering a service:

1. Identify their need / problem.

2. Solve the problem (agreeing there is a problem and showing them how you can solve that problem for them).

3. Ask for payment (would you like to pay in cash or credit card is one quick and effective close).

4. Shut up and let them purchase.

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Lisa Long is an author, speaker and success coach helping businesses and individuals overcome sabotaging obstacles so get the results they want and live the life they truly desire. She is available for workshops, keynote, team and one-on-one coaching. Contact Lisa at:  928-284-9285,,