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Do you ever sit and dream about how you’d like your life to be –

The income you would like, cars, homes, vacations… and time to enjoy it all?

Do you picture yourself earning 4, 5 or even TEN TIMES your current income?

Then what happens? Often that little voice immediately kicks in with all the reasons you can’t or shouldn’t go for your dreams.

manthrowingmoneyyipeeDoes any of this sound familiar to you? These are a few of the sabotaging messages from my own little voice: You should be happy with what you have, you don’t need all that, it’s going to mean working harder, happiness is more important than money, you won’t have time to enjoy life, you can’t do it all now – how are you going to do more, I could settle for less and life would be easier, I don’t want to sabotage what I already have…

Did this strike a chord with you? It sure does with my clients (then the fun begins and we break through the fear, doubt, worry and virus codes planted in the mind).

Here’s the deal… you can and should have ALL OF YOUR WANTS MET. Those wants are put in your heart for a reason. It’s all divine. Your wants are not the same as my wants or your neighbor’s wants. They belong to you and it’s your job to manifest these wants into physical form so they can create results… the results YOU WANT!

I’m not talking about the want for more money. That’s vague. How much more do you want? Why? What would you do with ten times more income? Most say they want more money but never really know why and what this really means for their life. What would it do for you? Your family? Your future? Give this some serious thought and then GO FOR IT!

When I start a “Breakthrough to Success Strategy Session” I ask: “What do you want… really want in your life personally and professionally?” I’m surprised at how many people answer: “I don’t know.”

I believe each and every one of us knows what we want, we just need to give our self permission to have what we want and stop settling for anything less.

Action Steps –

Identify the results you want in your life, personally and professionally (I don’t know is not an answer)

Are your daily activities supporting you in reaching your goals? (The answer is most likely no. If it were yes, you would already be where you want to be).

You’ve probably seen this assignment from me before and I’m giving it to you again because it’s so powerful and I want you to seriously do it. The results will help you tremendously.

Keep track of your activities, every activity, for an entire day. You can use a Yes I Can With A Plan Daily Success System or any other time tracking device.

All of us have the same amount of time. How are you investing your minutes? Tomorrow you have 1440 minutes to spend any way you choose; to invest in yourself. What are you choosing to do with you minutes?

What if these 1440 minutes were $1440 dollars? How would you choose to spend your dollars? Does this lead you toward your goal or are you easily taken off focus by the latest and greatest idea to hit the street

You can always get more money. Every moment of time is a one shot opportunity… the present. How are you investing it? What are your minutes doing for you?

We are over half way through this year. That means you have spent or invested over 262,975 minutes. What do you have to show for it? What will you have to show for the next 262,975 minutes of you life?

You already have what it takes to succeed. It comes from within. Give yourself permission to listen to your heart and have what you want. Then be mindful of your minutes and INVEST your minutes toward your desired future.



Want help creating the future you want? Contact me for a (no charge) “Breakthrough To Success Strategy Session” to schedule.




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Lisa Long is an author, speaker and success coach helping businesses and individuals overcome sabotaging obstacles so get the results they want and live the life they truly desire. She is available for workshops, keynote, team and one-on-one coaching. Contact Lisa at:  928-284-9285,,