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Last time I shared a lesson titled “Why Are Some Rich and Some Poor?”. Today’s lesson ties in with this.

Today’s lesson entices you to look deeper and look at your life and opportunities in a completely different way.

Buckminster Fuller stated: “Never change things by fighting the existing reality… to change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Can you see how this is the only way inventions such as the airplane, computer, smart phone etc. are created?

When I’m helping a client identify their niche, create packages, solve problems such as clients cancelling or blast their income into the six-figure range, they are always stuck because they are looking at their business from one point. I love to take the situation and dissect it, turning every piece around and around until it no longer makes sense. Then I take each piece, forgetting everything I know about it and look at it with fresh eyes… what could this be, how could this be?

GeodesTake a look at these rocks. It’s just a box of rocks – dusty and dirty. You may not even want to handle them because you would get that dirt all over you.

amethystNow, look at this beautiful amethyst. It’s an absolutely beautiful stone. You can make jewelry, key chain charms… all kinds of things from it, or display it as it is and enjoy its natural beauty.

It’s the same rock! It needed to be busted open to reveal is beauty and be appreciated for something other than a dusty rock lying in the dirt.

Now, let’s take a look at your life and your business with fresh eyes to reveal new opportunities for you.

Action Steps –

Answer the following questions. Be honest. This is for your eyes only and it will help you succeed.

1. Whatever it is that you do – are you doing it with passion? If you’re not passionate about it, how could you be?

Could you change your inner dialogue about your job or situation?
What do you say to yourself now?

What could you say that would help you see this from a new perspective?

Is there something, anything that could be different about the job or situation that would increase your level of passion? (Even a very small, incremental change can make a big difference).

Did you immediately think of something and stop yourself by saying “Ya, but I can’t do that… it will never work…. they won’t allow that…?”

It’s imperative that you let go of the “Ya buts” and ONLY focus on what you want. Don’t worry about the how!

2. What actions can you take immediately to help this happen?
Remember, you have to take action and break the rock open to see the beautiful sparkling jewels inside.

Only focus on the one, next step. Don’t even think about anything beyond this. It just muddies the mind and you talk yourself out of taking action.

Take the first step, then you will become aware of the next step. This will not happen (with complete clarity) until you have completed the first step.

Is this helpful? Let me know in the comments below.

If you like this and would like more, I encourage you to join me on my NEW free success training webinars (details will be posted on the website soon).

Have fun with this and create a life YOU LOVE!


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Lisa Long is an author, speaker and success coach helping businesses and individuals overcome sabotaging obstacles so get the results they want and live the life they truly desire. She is available for workshops, keynote, team and one-on-one coaching. Contact Lisa at:  928-284-9285,,