Do you know that only 3% of the population actually sets goals? And of those only a small percent actually achieve their goals. Why is this?
Most go after the wrong goals. Let me explain.
There are three types of goals:
1. Goals we know we can achieve.
For example, I was talking with a client the other day and she said she wanted to set a goal of earning $30,000 in real estate this year. I asked why this was significant and she told me she had done this in her previous real estate career. I helped her discover why this is not a good goal for her (I’ll explain why later) and we amped it up to $150,000.
2. Goals we think we can achieve.
Some like to set goals they think they can achieve so they won’t be let down or discouraged if they don’t make it. Can you see how this is doomed to begin with? These people are already focusing on failure.
3. Big, exciting goals.
These are the goals that scare us and excite us at the same time. We have no idea how to reach these goals. This is good because it helps us grow. Growth is the purpose of a goal, not just a measuring of incremental steps, but exciting growth.
Most people don’t set the right goals because they get caught up in the “how will I do this” syndrome. Don’t worry about the “how”, it will come to you. First, you must make the commitment to achieve this goal.
In going after goals we know we can do or we think we can do it’s easy to become despondent toward the tasks. The goal isn’t stimulating and exciting enough to pull us through the difficult times. Thus, we give in and go back to our ordinary life. Our pre-goal life may feel safe but I often hear how unfulfilling it is. Can you see why the $30,000 goal was the wrong goal for the client above?
Action Steps –
Set a goal for yourself that is exciting and scary at the same time. This is not a goal you know you can do or even think you can do. This is a big, exciting goal that you have no idea how to do. Use your imagination and have a lot of fun here.
Let me know what goal you set for yourself. I’d love to hear from you.
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Lisa Long is an author, speaker and success coach helping businesses and individuals overcome sabotaging obstacles so get the results they want and live the life they truly desire. She is available for workshops, keynote, team and one-on-one coaching. Contact Lisa at: 928-284-9285,,