You’re probably doing what you’re doing because you enjoy serving and helping others. And, I bet you’re really good at it.
If you’re like me, you’ve been taught that if you want anything you’ve got to work hard. And if what you’re doing isn’t working, try harder.
As with all things, there is a point of diminishing return. You know you’ve reached this point when your career and your life feels more like a chore than a joyous adventure.
I don’t know exactly where we lost it, but we have forgotten to treat ourselves as the Very Important Persons that we truly are. Many have bought into taking care of everyone else first… then, if there’s anything left… you get the crumbs.
Now, you’re wanting to help others, right? (and get paid handsomely) How are you able to be your best and really help others if you’re operating on left over crumbs?
I see this so often with entrepreneurs, healers and especially women. You’re treating yourself like a PURNOP instead of a VIP. Let’s take a look at the difference.
Say this out loud: “I am a Very Important Person”
How does this feel?
On a scale of 1%-100% how much do you believe this statement?
If you’re like most, it doesn’t feel true. It feels silly and selfish to say such a thing… let alone actually believe it!
Now imagine someone you admire, who is at the level of happiness you desire. Where do you think this person is on the VIP scale (how does this person think about him/her self)?
How would you feel if you thought about yourself at this level?
Has a good sense of self and boundaries
Knows that what they do is important / making a difference
Enjoys life and takes care of oneself
Has energy – helps others from the place of feeling whole and abundant. Gives from the overflow.
Let’s go of the past and moves on
Is willing to make a mistake, knowing this is part of succeeding
Putting yourself and your needs last
Unimportant – what you do doesn’t matter
Running at an emotional / spiritual deficit
No/weak boundaries
Only here to serve others
Gives in to please others despite you’re needs and wants
Often feels tired
Puts own needs and wants last or off forever
Often feels resentment
Gives from a place of deficit instead of overflow
Is just getting through life versus enjoying life as an adventure
Holds on to “stuff” from the past
Terrified to make a mistake, often puts off making a decision in fear it will be the “wrong” decision. Afraid of being judged for mistakes made.
Action steps –
Go through each list and circle the ones that you personally identify with (no judgment). Add other statements too (and share on this blog).
Notice how you feel about this.
Your body holds these feelings. Your body is your vessel.
Draw a picture of a glass on a piece of paper.
Ask yourself: “On a scale of 1% – 100% how full of life am I?”
Draw your fullness line in the glass? How full are you? Completely full would be 100% – just like a glass of refreshing water.
Many will not be far below 100%.
This is an awareness exercise – no judgment.
You do want to be aware that if you continue to give without being at 100%, you are disintegrating your life force. You are running the risk of becoming emotionally and spiritually bankrupt. You only want to give from your overflow – beyond the 100% mark.
What will it take for you to be whole? Focus on this. Become whole. THEN, share your overflow with others.
Would you like help with this? Contact me. I have some amazing tools and lessons (from my own growth, I’m happy to share with you)
To your health, happiness and success!
We would love to hear from you! Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?
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Lisa Long is an author, speaker and success coach helping businesses and individuals overcome sabotaging obstacles so get the results they want and live the life they truly desire. She is available for workshops, keynote, team and one-on-one coaching. Contact Lisa at: 928-284-9285,,
Thank you Lisa for this great insight. I am a combination of both the VIP and the PURNOP, I will print this out and work on becoming more of a VIP. I also plan to use this in my wordshops, including the blurb about you.