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Is your business awake? I mean really awake – alert and thriving?

As spring is in the air, we get motivated to do lots of new activities around the house and yard. We get rid of all the old, dead stuff and anything that is not what we want.

How about your business? When is the last time you did a spring-cleaning for your business? What about the rest of your life?

We tend to follow patterns and habits (no big news there). However, often times, these patterns and habits lead us into a comfort zone. Here, it’s easy for us to get really comfortable and actually become complacent.

Signs that you’ve become a little too comfortable, and maybe even complacent include a feeling of restlessness, low energy, low enthusiasm, feeling bored, not feeling inspired, not working toward your goal, clientele dropping off, being easily distracted, feelings of sadness or even depression.

What do you notice about yourself when it’s time for you to shift gears and get into inspired action? Take note of these, make a plan of action and follow the plan.

We’re rounding the curve of the first quarter (Q1) and heading into the second quarter( Q2) for 2013. You should have been checking your progress toward your Q1 goals periodically. Are you on track to meet them? If not, sit down and take a look at what got you off track. Do you need to re-evaluate your goals? How can you stay on target to meet your Q2 goals? Write everything down here that you can think of and be totally honest with yourself.

Spring-clean your business and your life. Get rid of everything that isn’t working and taking you closer to your desired goal. Would you put up with stink weed strangling your precious roses? Of course not! Where is the stink weed in your business? Where is the stink weed in your life? Answer these questions and get rid of any and all stink weed in your life – personally and professionally.

Write down what you would like to have instead of the stink weed. Now, focus on that and create it as the new outcome for yourself, your business, your family, your clients.

Share what you do to shift gears, spring clean and stay on track on meeting your goals. I would love to hear from you! (click on the little talk icon at the top of the page, right of the heading, to leave a comment). Thanks!



We would love to hear from you! Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?

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Lisa Long is an author, speaker and success coach helping businesses and individuals overcome sabotaging obstacles so get the results they want and live the life they truly desire. She is available for workshops, keynote, team and one-on-one coaching. Contact Lisa at: 928-284-9285,,