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Let’s face it, you’re an entrepreneur working your passion. And you want to monetize your passion – right? You should get paid while doing what you love. I believe in and help my clients live the lifestyle of not working for money. Instead they have money working for them. And we do what we love with our time, energy and money.

Sounds great. So how do you get there? And why aren’t you there yet?

A few things I find in common with all entrepreneurs are we don’t like to be told what to do. We don’t want a boss watching over our shoulder. And we don’t want to put up with the inefficiency of the corporate world. We like things done our way!

This is a double-edged sword. You’re innovative, creative and full of great ideas. You need help. So you interview and hire an assistant. Here’s where the struggle begins (a new struggle and new opportunity for inner-growth). You’ve given the task to your new assistant and then you hover over her telling her every little detail to make sure she does it exactly as you would (truly, this is not what you want).

You convince yourself it’s faster and easier to just complete the task yourself. You fire your new assistant, or simply quit giving her assignments and she fades away. Soon you find yourself back in overwhelm.

If you seriously want to take your business to the next level, you must seriously get your nose out of where it doesn’t belong.

Action steps –

Here are a few tips to let go of your inner control freak and allow others to help you (yes, this is a must):

1. Hiring help

*Thoroughly explain what you want accomplished; what does the finished task look like.

*Put it in writing. This has saved me so much time and eliminated frustration with my assistants because what I say isn’t always what others hear. This is evident in working with assistants.

*Go over the written assignment together and ask for verification on what’s to be accomplished.

*Tell your assistant how important her help is to you. This lets her know she’s part of a bigger picture and not just an order taker. When she’s invested emotionally she’ll do a better job for you.

***Get out of the way and let her do her job.

*Thank her for a job well done.

2. Stop checking in

Here’s where it’s easy to fall down. As an entrepreneur, we’re sharing our baby, our heart and soul with the world. It’s our love and must be taken care of. So we get in the way of our own progress by calling everyone we’ve hired to help, telling them how to do their job.

I’m sure your thinking right now “but I have to make sure they do it right and they don’t mess it up”. You’re feeling you have to keep your thumb on the pulse. What’s the answer? Yes and no. When it comes to the details of your finances, yes, keep a close eye on where your money is going. On the other hand, when it comes to the day to day tasks, trust yourself. You are perfectly capable of hiring trustworthy, diligent, efficient assistants. Trust your selection. Let go of your inner control freak and allow them to do their job.

3. Now you’ll find you have more peace of mind, energy and creativity. Go do something fun! You’ll find when you take your mind off monetizing your passion, it comes together easily and effortlessly.


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Lisa Long is an author, speaker and success coach helping businesses and individuals overcome sabotaging obstacles so get the results they want and live the life they truly desire. She is available for workshops, keynote, team and one-on-one coaching. Contact Lisa at:  928-284-9285,,