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Let’s focus on what’s important. The fact is: You get what you expect. Period.

Do you expect to pay extra for the space rental when holding your seminar, for example? Or, do you expect to locate sponsors who would love to support you? Do you expect to find clients who happily pay you? Or, do you expect to work your butt off with little return?

Remember – What you think about you bring about.

Of course, it’s not only about getting your mind in the right place and EXPECTING to get the results you want. You also have to take action. This is where the majority fall down. They get scared, intimidated or caught up in the how.

Take note of your thoughts and words. For example, I just coached one of my Thinking Into Results clients who stated: “I surpassed my goal of $200,000, even in this economy!” Woohoo! Sounds great! It is a great achievement. And, the statement is a thousand times more powerful without the negative “in this economy”.

When he stated his new goal – to earn $500,000 in 2013, he started to say in this economy (that’s a negative.) We backed up and revamped the goal to ONLY state the positive and FULLY EXPECT the results.

This is a goal that stretches him to grow in ways he isn’t even aware of yet. He said he has absolutely no idea of how he’s going to do this. “Great!” I replied (probably not what he thought I would say). You don’t need to know how to achieve your goal. Truthfully, you don’t want to know all of the “how” because this would pin you into a box. Thus, eliminating other opportunities that may be even more beneficial, fun and easier!

You job is to EXPECT your desired outcome 100%. Don’t over-think it. Don’t worry about the how. Stay focused on your goal. Stay consistent and persistent. Stay in action…. inspired action (one step at a time).

Have a coach or mentor to help pull you through the difficult times (and there will be difficult times when you just want to quit and run the other direction).

Here’s a little cheat sheet to help you change your thinking and actions to get the results you want:


I Fully Expect and Accept _________________________________________________

Thank you God!


Catches –

Negative thoughts &
non-productive actions

➜ Change to  ➜


Positive thoughts &
productive actions



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Lisa Long is an author, speaker and success coach helping businesses and individuals overcome sabotaging obstacles so get the results they want and live the life they truly desire. She is available for workshops, keynote, team and one-on-one coaching. Contact Lisa at:  928-284-9285,,