Believe it or not, there are specific laws of the Universe that govern your ability to create the life you really want. These laws are just as specific as the law of gravity.
Today we’re talking about the law of giving and receiving. I’m not talking about just doing your job and then leaving.
Minimum giving = minimum wages.
I know a lot of you want more clients, better clients and more money. There are some very specific things you can do right now to make exactly that happen for you (even if you work for someone else).
Enjoy this video where I share the story about the Ritz Carlton.
Next, here are some key points to pay special attention to in your own life:
Do you have a minimum wage mentality? This means when you’re working, do you do the minimum and then get the heck out of there or quickly move on to something else? Or, do you give your very best and enjoy what you do?
For example, there was a mechanic who wanted to be the best in his town. He advertised and got a little response but not enough to give him the reputation of being the best mechanic in town. While consulting with a business advisor, they decided he could really stand above the rest by giving his customers a visible difference. He not only fixed their vehicle, he washed it before turning the keys back over to the owner. This was a special little extra that earned him the reputation of being the best mechanic in town.
Get out a pen and paper right now and write down where you can give better customer service, colleague appreciation or team awareness.
When someone expresses he/she needs help do you pretend you don’t hear? Do you quickly delegate the request to anyone near by? Or do you offer to help?
When you perform any job duty, notice what you’re feeling. Are you feeling like you could care less? Do you feel like you’re in a hurry and need to get on to the next task, or are you feeling grateful for the opportunity of being in service?
If you want to earn more, you must do more than is expected of you and you will attract the clients, or get the promotion. You will be rewarded abundantly.
Take note of your current thoughts, feelings and behavior and how you can change your thoughts, feelings and behavior to live the life you really want.
Leave your questions and comments here, on this blog. I’d love to hear from you. And, let me know if I can help you in any way.
Remember to hold your space for the new Success Made Easy Mastermind-Study Group.
We would love to hear from you! Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?
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Lisa Long is an author, speaker and success coach helping businesses and individuals overcome sabotaging obstacles so get the results they want and live the life they truly desire. She is available for workshops, keynote, team and one-on-one coaching. Contact Lisa at: 928-284-9285,,
The nugget. giving above expectations.
My goal is to create $50,000 in income from my businesses. I will do more Wellness Presentations this year. (This means inviting people to my home or to events regarding Juice Plus.)
I will speak to Service Organizations promoting my Communication Matterz business. I will advertise teleconferences on my website and on Facebook. I will give at least 2 presentations per month — whether in person or on the phone.
Marian Sjostrom