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Would you say you’re a leader or a follower?

All good leaders are also good followers. Effective leaders are rare and therefore in constant demand.

There’s a lesson I teach my clients as individuals and teams, called the power of praxis. This means aligning you with your higher calling, or in the case of team development, aligning each team member with the overall goal of the company.

It’s vital to the success of any company that everyone is working in the same direction, toward a common goal. Most employees are not interested in company goals. However, with the power of praxis, they do become emotionally invested in the company goals and therefore work toward a common outcome.

Imagine your job is captain of a dragon boat and you’re in a dragon boat race. You must get everyone to paddle in harmony or the entire boat will be running amuck off course. If just one person is out of sync, it will derail the entire team and you could literally be going in circles.

So, how do you get everyone interested in the company goal? This is often a huge challenge from companies of two people to companies of twelve thousand people, and beyond.

Not only does praxis apply to companies, but any time you are wanting to engage in working with a client, especially a new client, you must be working toward a common goal. How do you get them on board?

Due to the nature of the employer-employee-team relationships, inspiring everyone to buy into and be motivated toward a specific goal, often requires an outside agent. This is where businesses hire coaches and consultants because they are not involved in the day-to-day politics and work demands. Therefore, they are respected as an outside and unbiased authority.

Praxis is how you get everyone on board with you. It takes some mentoring but once it’s in place, it’s there for good. And you, as the captain of the boat, and your team are smooth sailing toward your goal.

Here are some action steps to get you on your way to praxis in your relationships with clients, your team, even in your relationships:

1. Identify your clear vision of what you are looking for.

2. Become an intelligent follower.

3. Develop your own deep respect for your leader.

4. Check your attitude – leaders have great attitudes.

5. Create an environment that brings out the best in others.

“A leader is a person who has people following them, because they want to.”

~ Larry Wilson

Praxis is just one of the powerful lessons taught in the Thinking Into Results Program that helps you get the results YOU WANT. Contact Lisa for more information on how you can benefit.


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Lisa Long is an author, speaker and success coach helping businesses and individuals overcome sabotaging obstacles so get the results they want and live the life they truly desire. She is available for workshops, keynote, team and one-on-one coaching. Contact Lisa at:  928-284-9285,,