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I’m not sure if it’s because I’m an Aries, the way I grew up… or just plain bull headed, but…. Holy Moly this is huge!

Drum roll please…..

Here’s what we’ve been doing, and it’s all wrong. Notice I said we’ve been doing. I’m sharing this with you because I know I’m not the only one.

We set our goals… big goals, just like we’re told to. We make it measurable, exciting; and give it a due date. Perfect! … Or is it?

We’ve created this picture of our “ideal life” and we work HARD to make it happen.

Have you noticed you’re in action toward your goal every day? You do advance but it’s so blasted difficult. You wonder if it’s really worth it.

You’re determined to MAKE this work and you’re not giving up. You’ll MAKE it work or die trying. You are not a quitter – you will succeed!

Others have done it and so WILL you.

Does this sound familiar to you?

It’s great to have goals and a clear direction of what you want. Actually, it is essential.

What has gone haywire is the way we go about achieving that goal. We’re operating on a level of steadfast bullish will and determination. We’re trying to MAKE it happen… WILL it into being our way.

In the process, we’re creating a lot of extra work (and frustration) for ourselves.

You’ve probably heard the term: “What you resist persist”.

I’m talking about the energetic force of resistance. Resistance takes two. It cannot be a one man show.

(Pay close attention here)

When you are WILLING, PUSHING or MAKING things happen your way, something must push back. It’s a law of the Universe.

Can you get your way by pure will power and determination? Sure, but your success will be short term and it will cost you big time. This is how I ended up in the hospital.

There is a better and easier way to achieve all of your goals in life (can I get a “Yea!”).

Action Steps To Success –

First,  stop WILLING, MAKING, PUSHING and FORCING. When you notice yourself doing this. STOP. Take a deep breath… take several. Let go and Let God (insert what ever word you use).

Second, know that you are an integral part of this Universe and a co-creator. Co-creator means you are not doing everything by yourself. If you will RELAX and ALLOW yourself to get into the natural flow of creation, you will easily achieve your goals.

Third, have your goal due date but don’t be drop dead attached to that date or any specific aspect of the goal. If it doesn’t happen exactly the way you want, it just means you have more preparation to get the best results.

I know this last piece may sound frustrating. But I promise you, if you ALLOW yourself to have faith and let go, you will absolutely accomplish your goal and it will be even better than you hoped for.

Remember the saying: “If you want to make God laugh, tell him YOUR plans”

This may stir up some stuff and questions for you. I encourage you to leave your comments in the blog section.

And, you’re welcome to grab a “Breakthrough to Your Brilliance” session (until September 25th). Contact me to set yours up. Include 3 days and times you’re available.



Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?

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“Success mentor Lisa Long teaches alternative and holistic practitioners around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “How to Focus and Succeed in Record Time… Every Time at