Step two is Making the Decision that YOU ARE doing this.
This is vital to your success. Making the decision means you eliminate the possibility of failure; you eliminate your back up plan; you eliminate all thoughts of doubt, fear and worry. Sound impossible?
You stay crystal clear on this decision. In step one, you decided who you want to serve, how you want to serve them and why. Now, you’re getting rid of obstacles that can sabotage your success.
These obstacles WILL creep into your life. That’s why it’s imperative that you have the right tools and use them. All successful people have a mega tools box that includes techniques and a support network to help them stick to their decision to succeed.
If you haven’t yet read Napoleon Hill’s “Think And Grow Rich” I highly recommend you read it. If you have, you may want to re-read it. His book “The Master-Key To Riches” is also full of tools to help you make a decision and stick to your decision.
Allow yourself to become impregnated with your decision. Think about it often, carry it with you constantly, envision its delivery daily. This focus attracts the opportunities you need to succeed.
Stay focused on one major goal at a time until you get the results you’re looking for.
Definiteness of purpose leads to success. Walter Chrysler started as a mechanic in a railroad shop. He saved $4000 and spent every dime of his savings on a car (his friends and family thought he was crazy). Then he tore the car apart (his friends and family thought he might need to be committed to the hospital). Walter tore the car apart and put it back together several times so he could understand the automobile; it’s strengths and weaknesses. He then built his own automobile with much improvement over what he had purchased with his life savings. He made a clear decision when he was working as a mechanic and stuck to his decision to provide great automobiles.
You want to have a support network to help you achieve your purpose. You are the sum of who you spend most of your time with. Are you surrounding yourself with like-minded, goal oriented, supportive, successful people? It’s also extremely helpful to have a coach or mentor who will give you a step-by-step plan, shortcuts and believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself.
I have several coaches. One of my coaches, David Neagle, talks extensively about the terror barrier. He explains that when we make a big decision to go for it our entire world blows up in our face. It’s the ego trying to scare us back to the small comfort zone we’re wanting so badly to break out of.
I remember one of my biggest teleseminars… the night before I got stung by a scorpion on my hand and neck. OMG that hurt. I could have easily said I can’t do the call. It was painful to type but I was determined and I did it anyway. The teleseminar was fun and I got several new clients.
During my last Fast Start Class, my regular phone completely died five minutes before my launch call. I switched phones and during the call, it caught on fire – literally! During the call, I switched phones again and kept on going.
Finances are another way the ego tries to stop us. When I hired my first coach, years ago, I was expecting a check for some work I had done. This company had some problems and the check didn’t come through. Ouch. I was counting on that money. I had already made the CLEAR DECISION to hire this coach. I wasn’t about to quit. My credit cards were maxed out. I knew I had to do something. I sat down and listed all the ways I could get the money. At the last minute, I attracted new clients and that paid for my coaching, airfare to New York, room and food. That investment in that coaching has paid for itself fifteen times over. If I had allowed myself to be stopped, I’d probably be working for someone else right now….and not very happy.
There will be obstacles and times you feel you absolutely cannot go on. We call these the terror barriers. If you give into these barriers, your ego will know exactly how to stop you again and again and again.
I want to give you some tools to help you through the terror barrier when it comes up for you (and it will. It comes up for all of us, including me).
Here’s how to stay true to your decision and YOU WILL SUCCEED:
Action Steps –
(Print this and write in your answers)
What is your definiteness of purpose?
What is your clear decision to fulfill your purpose?
Instead of saying “I can’t…”
Ask “How can I…”
Breathe and let it go. The answers will come – they always do. The key is to be calm so you can hear the answers.
As answers come, write them down and TAKE ACTION
Make a plan of action and work your plan.
List all the ideas that come to mind. Then, after you’ve emptied your mind, keep going and allow the Universe to give you twenty-five ways. This is divine guidance coming to you. Circle the top three from the entire list that are the quickest and easiest to reach your goal fast. Fulfill each of the three methods until your goal is met.
Make the decision that YOU ARE doing this.
Get out of your head – this is where all the mental sabotaging chatter is waiting to stop you. You want to be centered, grounded and clear.
Have faith that everything is coming together NOW for YOU.
Get tools and support – There are many books talking about the power of making clear decisions. The books I mentioned earlier by Napoleon Hill are helpful. He states making decisive decisions and sticking to those decisions is one thing all of the greatest successful people have in common. He also wrote you cannot be successful by changing your mind constantly or not having a clear focus. Maybe or someday is not a decision. YES or NO is your decision.
Affirmation I use myself: “I make clear, decisive decisions and follow through one hundred percent!”
Hint – There will never be enough time waiting for you to go for it. There will never be enough money waiting for you to go for it. You most likely will not feel “ready”. All these excuses are just the ego wanting to keep you down. Just remember YES or NO. Not maybe or someday. Be real and honest with yourself. You’re only cheating yourself if you’re not. Most of all, have fun and do things that make you happy. It sounds too easy, I know, but when you’re happy your vibration attracts more of that which makes you happy.
Life is meant to be abundant and fun. People make it difficult.
The only way you can fail is if you quit.
Next time, I’ll share with you how to attract the clients you want.
If you’re ready for help achieving the success you want, I have 5 free “Breaking Through To Your Success” strategy calls available this month. Contact me here to set one up. Serious inquiries only, please.
Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?
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