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Last week, my friend Les asked me: “How do you accomplish so much? How did you find time to create 5 books, 3 CDs, coaching programs, training calls, speaking gigs and you really do have quality time and fun with family and friends…. how???” I’ve been asked this often, so I’m going to share my secret with you. It’s all about having a vision and setting goals.

First you want to understand why having a goal is important.

It’s really not… unless you want change and growth in your life.

Puzzle1. Identify EXACTLY what change and growth you want in your life – the RESULT. What does the end picture look like? Imagine yourself sitting down to put a puzzle together. What’s the first thing you do? You look at the box top so you can see the picture; what the end result is – what do you want this pile of pieces to look like? How will you know you’ve accomplished your GOAL of a completed puzzle? It’s when all your individual pieces come together and create the picture on the box top.

2. Having a goal is a magnet that pulls you forward to create and better yourself. Keep your focus on your goal (your result). This is especially important when you have an off day or week. Stay focused on your goal, no matter what, and you’ll pull yourself out of any funk.

How do you set effective goals?

1. State your goal in positive terms.

Instead of saying “I’m out of debt” (debt is the opposite of what you want to attract), say “All my credit cards are paid off.”

2. Visualize your goal as accomplished

See your credit card statements with a zero balance.

3. State and visualize your goal as if it’s already happened

“All my credit cards are paid off.”

Create the plan and work the plan

1. Set an accomplishment date

All credit cards are paid off by 12/31/11

2. Give yourself benchmark goals

Pay an extra $20 or $50 (whatever you can do) each month on your credit card

3. Break your goal down so you see results quickly – this helps you stay motivated

Pay off one credit card so you see the zero balance then work on the next credit card

4. Reward yourself for a job well done

Give yourself something meaningful and/or fun for each goal accomplished

It can be as easy as going to a movie or out to dinner – something that brings a smile to your face.

5. One change at a time

Many fail at goals and New Year’s resolutions because they attempt to change everything at once: lose weight, stop smoking, pay off credit cards, get more clients, etc. They go into overload and gradually over time (sometimes as little as a week) abandon the entire idea of growth or change.

Same actions = same results.

 Add only one thing to change per week. Don’t try to change too much at one time – it’s not a race. Follow the steps given today. Create the plan and work the plan.

6. Most of all…. HAVE FUN!!!

Effective goal setting is covered in my book “Yes I Can With A Plan! How To Be A Successful Entrepreneur” gifted to my coaching clients and found on my website.


Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?


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“Success mentor Lisa Long teaches alternative and holistic practitioners around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “How to Focus and Succeed in Record Time… Every Time at