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I like to make everything fun… life’s too important to get weighed down, down, down by the media and all your “to-do’s”.

You have a gazillion things on your list to do today… if you’re an entrepreneur, this is no exaggeration. How can you make it fun? Is it really possible?

Yes it is….. I’m living proof and so are my clients. Here’s what you do to have more fun and get everything accomplished:

Manage your work time so you have more fun time. Not that your work isn’t fun. But, I do know there are a lot of entrepreneurs who are not having fun. They’re stressed out, not enjoying their family and not bringing in the money they want. This is not the way life is meant to be lived.

One of the first things I teach my clients is how to manage their time so they get more accomplished in less time with less effort and have more quality time for themselves and their loved ones. I want to help you avoid making the mistakes I made that landed me in the hospital because I thought I had to do it all… Superwomen complex (thank goodness that’s over).

You want to be effective and manage your work time so you get more accomplished in less time.

Focus on one thing at a time.
Yes that’s right – one thing at a time. I know we’ve been brainwashed into multi-tasking, especially if you’re from corporate, like me. That simply does not work – not for sustained success.

Give each task a specific start and stop time.
Before I sat down to write this, I had it scheduled in my Yes I Can With A Plan! Daily Success System from 9:00 to 10:00. This means all I do during this time is focus on creating this newsletter for you. I don’t jump up and get my next cup of coffee or go to the bathroom, or (whatever excuse) …. this is just your mind playing tricks on you and taking you off task. Stay focused during this time, then reward yourself with a cup of coffee, or whatever you would like.

It doesn’t mean it must be completely finished in this time. Actually, because I have a system (for everything, including creating my newsletters), my newsletters are now fun to create and take 1/2 the time they used to take.

Why is managing your time as an entrepreneur important?
Because time is your most precious commodity. Once it’s gone…. it’s gone. We cannot borrow time. We cannot bank time for the future. As entrepreneurs, we’re busy. We wear many different hats in our business and have family, spouses, children, friends… many other hats we wear. If you don’t take the time to nourish your relationships, they’ll be gone.

Make the most of each and every day.
I’ve never heard of anyone laying on their death bed wishing they would have worked more. However, if you’re like me, you’re on a mission to fulfill your purpose and help others do the same. We passionately want to get so much accomplished while we’re here.

Imagine everything during your day runs smoothly… all tasks are completed with ease and grace. What will you do with all your new found time?

Action Steps:

1. Identify what you really want to accomplish. List all these ideas and to-do’s. Do a brain dump so it’s off your mind, freeing up space and energy, and onto the paper.

2. Prioritize each item into one, two or three with one’s being most urgent and three’s the least urgent.

3. Go through your number one and number two items and identify which tasks can be eliminated or delegated. It’s important to get help. DO NOT TRY TO DO EVERYTHING YOURSELF. You WILL burnout. Not only that, but it’s impossible to have a six or seven figure business and do everything yourself. Oprah has a team of over 450. Let’s backup and start with one. What can you delegate that will help bring in more clients to your business. For example, after I write this newsletter, I give it to my VA Janet to make it pretty and send it out for me. She also mails my CDs and many other administrative tasks.

4. Get yourself a good Virtual Assistant (VA) or personal assistant you can delegate tasks to. You will love this, trust me.

5. Schedule in fun time and family time – this is time you’ll never get back. Don’t put this off thinking you don’t have time. You do if you manage your time. Actually, I’d like you to schedule this FIRST and hold yourself to it.

6. Make sure to take a real lunch break away from your work. And take breaks throughout your day. You will return refreshed and alert…. this is key to getting more accomplished in less time, with less effort and more fun. Many of my clients say they don’t have time to take a real lunch break or “Me Breaks” throughout their day. Reluctantly, they agree to try it and EVERY ONE has agreed they love it. And, they do get more accomplished in less time, with less effort and more fun. Try it now for yourself and enjoy the rewards!

If you having a difficulty getting it all done, feeling overwhelmed, feeling guilty because you’re not spending the time you want with your spouse, children and loved ones, check this out and I would love to have you join me, you owe it to yourself, your clients and your loved ones.


Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?

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“Success mentor Lisa Long teaches alternative and holistic practitioners around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “How to Focus and Succeed in Record Time… Every Time at