First thing you want to do to get what you want is to start with the end in mind, meaning have a specific goal identified. What, specifically, does this accomplished goal look like? It’s important that you have a picture of this in your brain because your mind confirms by these pictures.
All inventions and accomplishments were first pictures in the brain. Your brain cannot help making pictures. For example, if I tell you that I have a green elephant with pink polka-dots wearing a yellow apron dancing with my cat in the living room you just made a picture of that in your brain, didn’t you. You couldn’t help it. The same goes for your goals.
What goals do you have for your business, your ideal lifestyle, your weekend?
It’s like putting a puzzle together. The first step is to identify which puzzle you like and you want to invest your time putting together. To do this, you look at all the pictures on the box tops of the puzzles and select the one you want.
Next, you keep that box top visible so you can identify the pieces as they come into your view as something you want now or not. Sometimes, you’ll find pieces in the box that don’t even belong to that puzzle. You wonder how that got in there.
This brings me to the point of creating your own business. Entrepreneurs are very creative creatures and famous for being attracted to many money-making activities at once. This is like putting multiple puzzles together at once with all the pieces mixed together. What a mess!!! (I know many of you can relate to this.)
Stick to only the pieces of the puzzle that belong to your box top or your ideal lifestyle. Don’t try to force new pieces into your puzzle that don’t belong. This only prolongs your success and frustrates you. Here’s where many entrepreneurs lose traction and give up.
Don’t get sidetracked by bright shiny objects.
Having a success coach is a must to help you stay on track. It’s extremely difficult to weed through all your options on your own because you’ll justify going off in a new direction telling yourself this will bring you closer to your desired goal. When in reality, it’s another distraction that will delay your results. Trying to do this alone is like trying to give yourself a haircut – are you really getting the results you want? Or… are you saving money and looking goofy?
Action Steps to Success-
1. Identify a goal you want to accomplish. Make it crystal clear with all the details you can think of.
2. Create a physical picture of this goal as accomplished. It’s imperative you put yourself in the picture. Have fun with this. Here are some ideas you can use:
Create a vision board. You can have anything on here you want – cut outs from magazines, hand writing, photos you’ve taken, photos off the internet, drawings… anything you want. Now, it’s very important to place the vision board where you’ll see it every day. You may add to your vision board with additional goals. You may also have as many vision boards as you want. Just remember to look at them. Actually, you want to spend about 20 minutes at a time really getting into feeling the goal already accomplished. Use all your senses as you experience yourself in the picture of this accomplished goal – notice what you see, hear, smell, feel, taste…. take it all in.
Have pictures of your accomplished goal around your home, in your office, in your car, on your cell phone, on your wallet, in your purse.
Go test drive the new car, tour the new home, tour the new office space, etc. (remember to take pictures).
Most of all, have fun. Don’t worry about how you’re going to accomplish this goal. We’ll get into the details of this next newsletter.
Be in a place of gratitude for what you do have right here, right now (this may sound woo-woo but it works!).
Do this for one goal. We’ll get deeper into the details of accomplishing your goal next newsletter. Until then, have a wonderful two weeks. And, Happy Thanksgiving to all my US friends.
Next time, we’re talking about the HOW of making your goal a reality – with less stress and more fun!!
Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?
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“Success mentor Lisa Long teaches alternative and holistic practitioners around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “How to Focus and Succeed in Record Time… Every Time at”