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I’m getting a lot of questions lately about how to raise your fees, how to charge what you’re worth and how to ask for the money.

These are extremely important questions because if you have no money, you have no business.

Let’s get more money into your pockets. The first thing you want to do is step up as the expert, present yourself as the expert…. and get paid as the expert.

You want to be a specialist, not a generalist. Why? Who gets paid more a family practitioner or a heart surgeon? Why? If you’re having heart surgery are you going to accept just any doctor to operate? No, of course not! You want to the best – right? This is your life and could be a life or death decision! You hire the best, even if it costs more.

The heart surgeon earns approximately $320,000 while the general family practitioner earns approximately $130,000. It’s the same with your business and the services you provide. Your clients want to work with a specialist. And as a specialist, you’ll earn more respect, more clients and more income (often with less work).

Be the expert, present yourself as the expert…. and get paid as the expert

Action Steps –

Identify Your Target Audience or Ideal Client.
Who do you love to work with?
Who do you have experience with?
Who can you relate to better than anyone?

Entrepreneurs, especially starting out, get stuck here. They need to earn money NOW and think they don’t want to leave anyone out because they’re leaving money on the table. Ironically the opposite happens and you don’t get the attention of anyone (or very few).

Write this down: When you talk to everybody, you talk to nobody (meaning the message is so general nobody listens).

The second step is to  hone in on your target market’s needs. Not what you think they need but what they tell you they need.

Extremely important – USE THEIR WORDS. Not yours, especially the clinical or technical lingo.

They’ll feel like you’re talking right to them and you understand their particular needs. Have you ever been in church or a seminar and wondered how the speaker knew your needs? It felt as if he had been watching you. How did he know you needed this particular talk today? You leave feeling like “this person really gets me”. Imagine if your potential clients felt that way about you. Do you think they would want to do business with you versus Jack or Jill down the street? I do hope you answered yes, because of course, the answer is YES!

Now, identify your ideal target audience, solve their needs as the expert and enjoy your increased paycheck!

Need help getting more clients? Contact me for an Increase Your Business Discovery Call (usually I charge $297 for this, during November, I’m giving away 13 sessions).

I’m determined to prove alternative and holistic practitioners can get paid abundantly for their services, so I’m being very generous. Grab your spot here.


Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?

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“Success mentor Lisa Long teaches alternative and holistic practitioners around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “How to Focus and Succeed in Record Time… Every Time at