What business are you really in? The answer to this question is probably NOT what you’re thinking. No matter what your business is, you are in the business of attracting clients. Period. If you don’t have clients, you don’t have profits and then you don’t have any business to operate.
Everything you do should be about attracting NEW clients. Even while you’re providing outstanding service to existing clients, you should be thinking: “how can this excellent service bring more clients to me?”
You can never rest on your laurels, even if you’re having the best year ever. Why? Because there is always a new face coming to town offering the same thing you do. Yes, you can prevent some attrition by providing above and beyond excellent customer service. However, you still need to account for clients moving, retiring and dying. And, face it, some will just drop out with no explanation.
Your marketing pipeline must always be full to avoid the feast and famine roller-coaster pay periods (don’t you hate this). Don’t worry, if you get too many clients, you can always start a waiting list. Now, there’s a positive problem!
Action Steps:
Before I give you numerous ways to attract more clients, I want to warn you about a common mistake that you must avoid.
Most entrepreneurs get so excited about the various ways to attract new clients they try to work all the methods at once. This leads to confusion and burn out.
Here’s how to avoid marketing mayhem and burnout:
1. Decide which methods you want in your marketing mix to attract more clients.
2. Work only one at a time until you get it worked into a system that practically runs on auto-pilot (I love this). Let me know if you need help with this. This is one of my specialties.
3. Focus on one thing until it’s finished. You don’t get paid on fourteen half-baked projects. You only get paid on what someone else can benefit from and pay you for.
Attract more clients marketing mix:
- Public speaking
- Social media –
- Face Book
- Plaxo
- Linkedin, etc
- Ezine articles – make sure they link back to your website.
- Joint Ventures
- Letter of introduction to everyone you know
- Trade shows – showing and attending
- Partnerships with others related to your field but not in direct competition
- Referrals from current clients
- Press Releases
- Radio Show Interviews
- TV Interviews
- Networking Events
- Socializing – out having fun
This gives you a start. Feel free to add your own ideas to the mix. Have fun.
Remember, choose one and systematize it. Then move on to the next customer attraction method.
Please write your comments below – What is your favorite nugget you got from this, today? What are you most excited about implementing from this “Yes I Can With A Plan! Bright Ideas” edition?
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“Success mentor Lisa Long teaches alternative and holistic practitioners around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “How to Focus and Succeed in Record Time… Every Time at www.yesicanwithaplan.com”