If I asked you “Do you have what it takes to succeed?” What would you say?

Now, I’m not talking about having money.
I’m not talking about having great products or services.
I’m not talking about having published books
I’m not even talking about having the right education.

What I am talking about is your mindset. The only thing that matters is your COMMITMENT to success. Without commitment, your dead in the water before you even start. Even if you have all the money, products, services, books and higher education; without unwavering commitment, you’ll fail. Why? Because you’ll make excuses and you’ll lack discipline to do whatever it takes.

Commitment is what separates winners from losers and the independent from the dependent.

Think about Olympic champions……
Young boys and girls with a dream of going to the Olympics.
They train and practice every day. They miss school outings, dances, dating and hanging out with friends. This is replaced with endless hours of trial and error with aching muscles, blisters, being told their best is still not good enough. They travel – eating overpriced airport food, staying in hotel rooms that smell like last week’s gym socks. They pay out-of-pocket for professional coaches, hoping one day they will be recognized as good enough to get a sponsor. Why do they put themselves through this? Because they have the fire of commitment burning within. They will do anything and pay anything to get to the Olympics. They don’t get caught up in the “how,” they take a no excuses approach and just do it. They improve on their best and go to the Olympics.

Action Steps for Today:

Ask yourself: “Am I willing to do whatever it takes to succeed?”

Give yourself a scale from 1 to 10 on your level of commitment.
1 = I’m not committed to this at all. I’d rather be watching TV or anything else.
4= I’m willing to do this if it’s easy.
10= I will do anything and pay anything to make this happen. NE = NO EXCUSES!

Be honest with yourself. You’re the only one that’s going to see this.

Take notice of your habits.
Do you have a list of excuses such as:
I can’t find a babysitter
I can’t afford a ________
I don’t have a car to get there
I don’t have the money
I’m too old
I’m too fat
I’m too young
After I’m divorced
After the kids are grown and gone
(fill in your own excuses)

Now, give it the NE! stamp – NO EXCUSES!
I can’t afford a babysitter—> I’ll find an elderly lady who would love to volunteer / I’ll look into Parks and Recs programs / I’ll call DES- maybe I’ll get a lead / Realize that I can pay a babysitter $12 an hour while I’m focused and earning $80 an hour / Just go for it.

If you were offered $10,000 to find a babysitter, find a ride, find the money, accomplish your goal now, do you think you would find a way? For $10,000, I think you would. Now, your challenge is to act as if you are going to get paid $10,000 for finding the ride, finding the right thing to wear, finding the babysitter…. whatever the excuse is, Stamp it NE! and earn your $10,000.


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“Success mentor Lisa Long teaches alternative and holistic practitioners around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “How to Focus and Succeed in Record Time… Every Time at www.yesicanwithaplan.com