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Is Corporate the Grim Reaper?

I feel so abundantly blessed to have my own business and be  my own boss.  Here’s one of the many reasons:  I’ve had a couple of friends with similar stories of financial death, in the past two months.

A friend of mine, Sue, calls me in tears because she’s been working for the same company for 27 years. Her department was eliminated. Luckily she found another position within the company. But, the company did a bait and switch. At the last minute, she was told “you’re no longer doing the budget analyst job, now your going to be a computer programmer.” 

Sue about fell over. She has no schooling in computer programming and has no idea where to even start. The response to her was …. get this….. “you have 60 days to learn the job or you’re fired”.

Needless to say, your only security is what you create from within.

Make sure to get your free success tools today.

In the next posting, we’ll talk about how to create your own security.

To YOUR Success,
