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Are You Blocked by the Terror Barrier?

As I provide success coaching for my clients, I am also always updating my own skills so I can be an ever better mentor for my clients.

Trust me , this is not always easy. The last workshop, I was turned inside out, upside down…. and then some. I still had some inner demons that were blocking my success to the next level (yes, I have them too).

I learned about the terror barrier, as I was up against it (and it was not fun!!). I also learned that as we continue to grow our business, which is the fastest personal growth track I have ever experienced (even as a psychotherapist) we will hit this terror barrier again and again. The good news is it gets easier each time (thank goodness).

If you’re feeling this terror barrier and the sabotaging self-talk telling you “who do you think you are, this will never work, you’re failing, you’re going to lose everything……” You need a support network to help you through these times. Trust me, this is not where you want to wing it alone!

I welcome you to join my Inner Circle where you will have support of the Yes I Can With A Plan! family. Click this link and take advantage of the special offer. And, welcome to the family!